Educators implement effective planning, instruction, assessment and reporting practices to create respectful, inclusive environments for student learning and development.
During the course of the 491 practicum, I would try to make a conscious effort to get outside my comfort zone and provide instruction and assessment in many forms and not simply sticking to what was comfortable for myself. In doing so, I was able to gain more knowledge and confidence in implements effective planning, instructions, and assessment. I would try to ensure that I incorporated activities and lessons that involved manipulates, experiential learning or student led learning with some guidance. Changing up the instructions worked effectively to ensure student engagement, rather than doing the same lessons in which the students would easily become bored and unengaged in their learning. The same went for assessment as I experimented with many forms including; peer and shares, self-assessments, peer- assessments, and of course my assessment of each student as well. I would use formative assessment to gather and gain knowledge of each students strengths and weaknesses and conference with each student to improve upon anything before any summative assessment would be used to measure student comprehension. These summative assessment would later be used for part of each students CSL’s that were just recently sent home yo give parents an indication of where there child fits the scale of emergent to proficient.